Story Behind a LOGO......

A product, a car or anything in the commercial industry or any industry is recognized by one thing that is the LOGO.

Just imagine what would be like, you go to buy a product which has no name, no picture or no logo...would you by that or forget about buying would you look at it, no. If that product comes with all the above mentioned qualities, you would definitely buy it as you know that it is a trustworthy product.

A logo is the identity of any product be it from a toothbrush to a car, but what if somebody steals that identity.....have you ever given a thought to it...........

Recently i have seen a S-class Mercedes, superb metallic sliver color, jaw dropping look, one thing which was stealing away all its glamor, its logo was missing......means it was stolen. i felt for the owner, he had owned a world class brand but had lost its identity.

This is happening with most of the top brand cars, yet people have ignored it. It is such a serious crime, these people steal the logo and sell it in the illegal market, price of of high class brands logo comes on the range of 15,000 to 65,000 Rs. and yet this kind of stuff is ignored.

A small thing yet so important. It is making me think now before buying a car of luxury brand, how long its identity will be there.


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